211 Colorado
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211 Colorado
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Financing the places where people live and work in Colorado.
By offering zero or low-interest loans to low and moderate-income homeowners for home repair, as well as grants to renters and homeowners with disabilities for access modifications to their home, Denver Urban Renewal Authority’s housing rehabilitation programs help qualifying Denver residents live in safe and comfortable housing.
Brothers Redevelopment
Brothers Redevelopment’s Home Modification and Repair (HMR) Department is anchored by strong partnerships with local governments. They fund our Help for Homes, Home Rehabilitation and Home Modification programs, which improve residential safety and accessibility and address aging-home concerns.
Brothers Redevelopment
Aging in Place- Senior Service Coordination in the Denver Metro Area (including Gilpin & Clear Creek Counties)
Brothers Redevelopment Inc. (BRI) is empowering Colorado seniors to Age in Place by bundling under one roof all the information they need about services.